Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bravo Walgreens

Email I just sent to Walgreens:
Just found out that your organization suspended 4 pharmacists who refused to supply women with the morning after pill. Here Here! I am happy to hear that at least one company is not caving in to the hysterical religious right wing anti-liberty totalitarian bigots who are on the war path out to attack and eliminate any citizens who choose not to conform to their dogma. This country promises freedom from religious persecution, yet the christian right wing and the conservative fundamentalists are trying to impose their religion upon everyone else. They spread lies, and the use all kinds of strong arm and scare tactics to bully the ignorant masses into following them.Thank you thank you thank you, BRAVO for standing up to these criminal ruffians.
{My Name}
I was only an occasional shopper, but after hearing about this, I'm going to become a regular shopper to show my support.


At 10:17 AM, Blogger Martian Anthropologist said...

I like to see that! Well said.

Nik, I'm late on this. But thank you very much for you recent kind words about my blog, at my "who is the Martian?" post. It meant a lot.


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