Friday, September 23, 2005

Check out this netizen's Blog... and cross your fingers that there aren't many more like him out there

... though I fear there are.

I am posting my response here because based on the writings I've read, I'm sure the comments I posted on his site will not be allowed to remain.
Friday, 9/23 "Christians Do Have Rights!"
Covers this person's fear and hatred of the ACLU, and a paranoid delusion that people who are not religious and how are for personal liberty and freedom and those things this nation was founded on are monsters out to take away other people's ability to worship as they please, and that socialism and communism are terrible terrible things.

My response:
you scare me. people like you scare me. so much hate, so much intolerance. christians and muslims (the fundamentalist/intolerant/ hatefilled/prejudiced ones like you at least) all scare me.
not that I support any religions or magic hocus pocus of course, but the other religions out there don't seem to be so violent, so "out-to-get" people and hurt infidels so much as the christian and muslim fundamentalists. i guess it makes sense, judism, christianity and islam are all basicly the same religion, just a couple of the later prophets are different so they are really like different sects of the same violent, war-like, intolerant belief stucture. but maybe in that there is hope because judeism is the oldest flavor of that three prong religion and other than the israeli jews and their genocide of muslim palestinians, the jews seem to be less destructive. so maybe you christian and muslim fundamentalists will mature and become less hate filled... if humanity can survive this "adolecent" phase your two religions are going thru.

Wednesday, 9/21/05 - "Bring Me a Beer Eddie"
An attack on Ed Kennedy, one of the few guys who's got a record of actually caring about his constituents (though admittedly a guy with a lot of personal issues and skeletons in his closet), for questioning the wisdom of appointing Roberts to supreme court.

My Response:
no one needs roberts to answer questions asked of him in his confirmation hearings to know he's a right wing plant and an uber conservative just waiting to use the power of the supreme court to restrict american liberty and freedom some more. we'll be hamstrung up by more religious heavy handedness and regardless of what faith one is or if one believes in mystical mumbo jumbo, or not, all americans will have to march to the same beat or risk theocratic governmental punishment. where is the freedom there, where is the liberty? why is that that religiods claim to want religious freedom but only as defined by the freedom for them to practice their rituals. shouldn't religious freedom mean that the rest of us don't have to be subjected to that abuse, and suffering?
strict constructionism overlooks several key elements, first and foremost being the 200 years of scientific and social advancement. remember that today we consider descrimination to be bad, we consider slavery to be a terrible crime. these things are social beliefs that have evolved (for the better) over time. also, the framers of the constitution were diests and opposed to any type of formalized connection between govt and spirituality, let alone religion. the constitution would not have been ratified at all if it wasn't for the caveats that it could be amended and that it was an interpretive document. so to throw up a right wing neo-con with strong religious convictions to the point of restricting liberty and squelching scientific progress and personal freedom is an abomination against all the framers believe in.


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