Monday, December 12, 2005

gw bush : The Constitution is "just a godd*mn piece of paper!"

Has anyone heard anything about this latest (to me) gw scandal? About him saying the "constitution is just a godd**n piece of paper"?

It seems to be hearsay, at the very least, it's attributed in the originating article on Capital Hill Blue as from an Anonymous Source at the meeting. This might explain why it hasn't been picked up by any mainstream media, at least, that I have heard about. But - just wanted to check to see if anyone else has heard anything supporting, refuting or even mentioning it.

Congress.Org Reference (Where I first came across it)

AmericanDaily.Com Reference <-Subsequent Searches : Revealed Capital Hill Blue as originator.

Political Cortex Reference <-Subsequent Searches : Revealed Capital Hill Blue as originator.

Capital Hill Blue Reference1 (original source of claim)

Capital Hill Blue - Follow Up 1

Capital Hill Blue (original source of claim) Defending it's Anonymous Source Policy

Anyway - just want to find out if anyone else has heard about this item and it's validity or lack thereof.


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