Monday, October 03, 2005

My take on bushy's nomination of Harriet Miers

You know, I have never heard of Harriet Miers before this morning. As - I'm pretty sure - neither have you. And you know what, beyond the lack of experiance and the fact that this person was counsel to the pres during the time he staged his non-violent coup and stole the nation's highest office with a very fishy legal judgement - there's even more afoul here than that, which is pretty durn foul if you ask me.

The two met in Texas, where she was his personal lawyer, then served on his
gubernatorial campaign in 1994 and again during his presidential election of

The main thing is - at this is just my opinion of course - but, I think that this is an insult to Sandra Day O'Connor. I mean, don't you all get the feeling that he said, "Dang, I gotta replace a chick with a chick, hmm, what to do?" and at that moment, Condi Rice walked in and he said, "nah, she's already be given a promotion for incompetance, can't do that twice so close together.", then there was another knock on the door and Harriet walked in, and he said to himself, "ah, here we go, a chick lawyer, and she's been on the inside for all our immoral dealings so she's got no scrupels...." then he said, out loud to everyone, "Hey Harriet, what'cha think about being on the supreme court?"


At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always appreciate reading an author's opinion on a subject with which the author has no knowledge. Very enlightening.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Nik said...

Thank you! That's really the point isn't it. How fishy it is, and of course, especially with a fake prez with a history of cronyism. To offer up someone with no credentials at all, from the inner circle of this most reprehensible people. All we need to do is look at the track record of the people in this inner circle - bushy, cheney, rummy, good old son of satan karl rove, liers, theieves, under multiple investigations for illegal and improper activities and she's their lawyer.


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