You know you've arrived when....
Well, I'm totally juiced by this turn of events. I am famous! Yes, normally I'm pissed off as I write entries for this blog, but this time it's actually some good, cool news. A comment I have made has been excerpted in the latest post of the wildly popular blog, "The Martian Anthropologist". The actual post is titled "Fan Mail" and you can click on that link to see the actual post to which I'm referring. How cool is that? I love that blog, I'm a regular reader (and commenter), and now I have been imortalized in a blog entry there.
Well, immortality in the transient way that one can be on the internet. Over time, the sediment of new posts will drive this deeper and deeper into the ancient history of the net. Most likely forever there, but rarely to be seen or referenced as it's age increases.
Either way, those comments which "The Martian Anthropologist" posted of mine are as heartfelt today as when I first keyed them in. To those unfamiliar with this blog, I highly reccomend adding it to your "must read" list.